Oh tomatoes! Aren't they lovely? We start them in January in our basement, before the greenhouse is even fired up for the season. We baby them in their various growth stages, and tuck them into their beds in the high tunnels early in the season and outside in the Spring, in an attempt to have great tomatoes throughout the season.
Last year, our high tunnel tomatoes were ravaged by a tiny pest: the white fly. Neem oil helps a little, but really the only method of pest control is prevention: find them early and remove them.
Adam's been strolling the rows in the high tunnels each day looking for these little creatures. When he finds them, he takes the whole leaf and puts it in a sealed bucket. A few times, he's had to take a whole plant in order to protect the plants around it.
We're hoping this will save those plants and help the tomatoes thrive so your baskets are filled with tomatoes this year. (If you want them of course). We think we've caught them early, but we'll stay vigilent!